For those, who don't know us - here is the scoop. We went from an 'instant' family, to a family that just works amazingly well together. We tried to live by the 'one-income' school of thought, which was my only goal during her first 4 years, in order to keep our lives simple and well, it worked. Oscar was a stay-at-home dad and I worked at a hospital, as an admin assistant. Our one-income lifestyle worked in the sense that we were able to spend most of our time with Molly and together, but Toronto is an expensive city to live in. Our rent went up about $80 every year, food expenses went up every year but still we managed to live on $30k take home salary, with $1300 rent. We went into the red every other month, but we had a lot of laughs, Molly never went without & I think that's why we worked so well as a family - because we spent so much time together. It strengthened us. So, we thought, why not take it a step further - let's leave the rat race, let's get rid of 80% of our belongings and let's have an epic adventure. Let's start to create a life where we spend even more time together and so the idea was born.
where are we at now and what do we have?
A van.
An awesome tent that attaches to the van.
A website filled with Canadians who need volunteers on their farms in exchange for food and accommodations.
A website with rv'ers who love to meet fellow travelers and offer you a place to camp for a few nights.
The infamous couch-surfing website.
A mindset that anything can go wrong, but all outcomes will be determined by how we deal with it.
A chance to create memories & see where in Canada we might fit in. somewhere we can begin to start a new life together.
and we are beginning our adventure in May, 2014.
oh and we have a blog. welcome!