Well, as we knew it would happen - it happened. We had to deal with our first "don't plan for things to go as planned' event. We were uprooted and a kind gentleman has taken us in at last moments notice. Mr. Adam Kaufman, along with his dad, Francis.
We are staying on a beauty of a farm, where the nights are still & the mornings are bursting at the seams with birds and the hum of tractors in the distance. The days are filled with M's laughter and the noise of the boys using the reverb pedal while they improvise on their
Mornings are explorations before breakfast, afternoon naps in a sunlit bedroom and evenings exploring with Molly and catching sunsets. Hearing Oscar laugh like a demented schoolgirl is especially pleasing to my ears. Laundry hung out on a line, slow meals & getting stuck in a muddy field that pulls off your rubber boots.
We thank you, Adam & Francis, for providing us with shelter during the storm.
Oscar, Heather and Adam formed a band one night -named after the tractor. Their only hit was: You Are My Sunshine. It was Molly approved. Pictured are Oscar, Molly, Heather & Adam.
Our turkey vulture friends. A family of four or five of them visited us every day and night. swooping in circles overhead. This night they sat on the barns watching Molly and I take down our tent... they just stared and stared. Molly started yelling "Hello vulture friends!" and they started flying over head, circling their new prey friend.
When you ask Molly is she is a city mouse or a country mouse - the response is always "country".
That's sweet to hear.
After the next few days, we are moving onto another friends' place while Oscar continue to work. We will go back to the city for a few nights, look after some errands that need to get done and just rest. I fear after a month of country the city might be abit of a shock to my system and certainly to Molly. The next time we blog, we will be at our first stop in Barrie, visiting with more friends...
Until then...